О журнале

Название: «Ученые записки КФУ им. В.И. Вернадского. Исторические науки» («Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. historical science»).


Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского» (Республика Крым, г. Симферополь, пр.Академика Вернадского, 4, 295007);

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Издатель: Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского»

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Регистрация: Свидетельство Роскомнадзора о регистрации средства массовой информации ПИ № ФС77-61819 от 18 мая 2015 года.

ISSN 2413-1741

DOI 10.37279/2413-1741

С 20 июля 2017 года журнал включен в «Перечень рецензируемых научных изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук, на соискание ученой степени доктора наук».

В соответствии с распоряжением Минобрнауки России от 28 декабря 2018 года № 90-р, журнал считается включенным в Перечень ВАК по следующим научным специальностям и соответствующим им отраслям наук:

07.00.02 – Отечественная история (исторические науки),

07.00.03 – Всеобщая история (соответствующего периода) (исторические науки),

07.00.06 – Археология (исторические науки),

07.00.09 – Историография, источниковедение и методы исторического исследования (исторические науки),

24.00.03 – Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов (исторические науки)

Подписной индекс журнала: Объединенный каталог «Пресса России» второе полугодие, индекс 39924.

Тематика журнала: научная, историческая (scientific, historical).

Историческая справка:

Журнал был создан в 1918 году. До 2014 года имел название «Ученые записки Таврического национального университета имени В.И. Вернадского». Входил в список ВАК Украины.


«About the journal».

Title: «Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Historical science».

Founder: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University» (Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Academician Vernadsky Av., 4, 295007).

Publisher: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University».

ISSN 2413-1741.

Registration: Roskomnadzor certificate of registration of mass media PI № FS77-61819 from May 18, 2015.

Scope of the journal: scientific, historic.

The journal was founded in 1918.  Before 2014 had the title « Scientific Notes of

Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University». Was included in the list of VAK  of Ukraine.

The scientific peer-reviewed journal «Scientific Notes of V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Historical science» is a successor of «Taurida University News» founded in 1918.

The publication has changed its name several times along with the change of the name of the institution. For a long time the magazine was called «News of М. V. Frunze Crimean State Pedagogical Institute», then – «Scientific notes of M. V. Frunze Simferopol state university» , from 1999 to 2013 – «Scientific Notes of Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University. Series: History».

Since 2017, the scientific journal «Scientific Notes of V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Historical science» has been included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, where it is possible to publish the main scientific results of work on dissertations for degrees of candidate and doctor of Sciences on speciality:

07.00.02 – National History

07.00.03 – World History (of the relevant period)

07.00.06 – Archeology

07.00.09 – Historiography, Source study and Historical Research Methods

24.00.03 – Museum studies, Conservation and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Objects

The journal is registered in the system of Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)






The original articles and commentary publications of documents concerning historical specialties are accepted for publication. However, please note: only publications referred to the above mentioned specialties will be counted as publications that are roved by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russian Federation (Russian: Высшая аттестационная комиссия, ВАК).

Materials submitted to the Editorial Board should not be published before. Illustrative support of the material is welcome.

The total size of materials (including the text of the article, annotations, notes, lists of references with transliteration) – 15 000 – 20 000 printed characters with spaces (not less than 0,5 author’s sheet). Articles of a larger size are printed in agreement with the Editorial Board.

Each article, submitted for publication in the journal, must be accompanied with an external review of the Doctor of science; for Postgraduates a review of scientific advisor is required.

All submitted articles with positive reviews and with originality of the text at least 75% in the system of «Аntiplagiat» are considered by Editorial Board.

Articles for publication in the journal «Scientific Notes of V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Historical science» and accompanying documents  are accepted in electronic format by the Editor-in-chief of the Editorial Board Andrey Anatolyevich Nepomnyashy, e-mail: dr.aan@mail.ru



The article must contain the following structural elements.

  1. The title of the manuscript consists of the code of UDC – The Universal Decimal Classification (Russian: Универсальная десятичная классификация, УДК), the title of the article, the name and initials of the author (s), the places of work or study of the authors, the e-mail address.
  2. After the title it should be an abstract reflecting the theme of the work, its actuality, scientific innovation, the results. The size of the annotation should be 1000 printed characters with spaces The keywords or word combinations (5-7) are located after the abstract.
  3. The main text of the article should contain:
  4. a) statement of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks; analysis of the latest achievements and publications which the author relies on; identification of unsolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to;
  5. b) presentation of the main research material with argument of results;
  6. c) conclusions of conducted research and prospects of further developments in this field.
  7. References on sources are made within the text of an article in the square brackets [1] according to the sequence of numbers in a list of references.

If a quote is given, the page(s) must be separated by commas [1, p. 47-49]; when referring to several sources, they are listed by semicolon [1; 2; 15].

  1. List of references and sources should contain at least 15 items. References on abstracts and texts of dissertations are not recommended; it is desirable to indicate the scientific works of foreign authors (if available). References to primary sources are welcome.
  2. Specified gratitude to colleagues, number(s) of grant(s), competition, etc. (if available) are indicated.

Title of article, name and initials of author (s), place of work or study of authors, e-mail address of a contact person, annotations and keywords in English are placed at the end of a manuscript .


The manuscript is provided as a file in Microsoft Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf), accompanying documents – in a scanned format.

Page parameter:

the top – 30 mm

the bottom – 67 mm

inside – 24 mm

outside – 45 mm

from the top edge to the footer – 14 mm

from the bottom edge to the footer – 57 mm

The Times New Roman font is used throughout the article.

The words are separated from each other by a single space. The space isn’t used before punctuation marks (dot, comma, colon, semicolon, exclamation and question marks). The hyphen (for example, in the word «major General») is indicated by a single symbol «-», dash symbol – by«–». The using of hyphenation and page numbering in a manuscript is unacceptable. The dash «–» is used when several pages are indicated [5, p. 12-17]. The same sign is used in the list of sources and literature.

In the article initials of the author are placed before the author’s surname with intervals, e. g. « S. V. Ivanov».

Size and Style of the font for article elements

The Code of UDC Font size – 10, bold italic.

Line spacing – 1.5.

The left alignment

The title of article CAPITAL (uppercase) letters, font size 11, bold.

Line spacing 1.5.

Center alignment.

The point is not put after the title of the article

Surname and initials of the author Font size 11, bold, italic.

 Center alignment.

Place of the  work, e-mail address Font size 9, bold italic.

The line spacing is single.

Width alignment.

Line spacing 1.5.

If authors of an article do not work (or learn) in the same institution, it is necessary to specify the full names of institution according to the links after name of each author (link is indicated by Superscript after surname and initials of an author).

Abstract, keywords Font size 9.

Line spacing is single.

Width alignment.

The phrase «Keywords» should be highlighted by bold italics


Design of illustrations

Illustrations (diagrams, graphs, diagrams) in the article are indicated by the reduction – Fig. 1. Figures and tables are placed in the text of the article, after reference. The graphic illustration is not framed by the text either on the left or the right. Captions are placed under figures and are made out, as well as the main text of the article (Fig. 1). The caption from one line is aligned in the center. The dot should be put at the end of caption. The line spacing between the figure and its explanation is 1.5.

Design of the table

All tables are numbered with Arabic numerals (for example, Table 1, right alignment), provided with a title printed in lowercase letters (except the first uppercase) and placed above the table, centered alignment. The line should be skipped before the word «table», after the table’s title and after it. It is not acceptable to put a point at the end of the titles and subtitles. The table should be placed in the text on one page so that it can be read without turning of the publication or with turning it clockwise.

Design of the list of used sources and literature

The list is entitled «List of used sources and literature», the font size 10, bold, center alignment. Text of references: font size 9, width alignment. The line spacing is single.

All names are arranged according to the current GOST (Russian: ГОСТ. State Standard, Russian National Standard).

In the list of references the position should be numbered and arranged in alphabetical order. Russian-language works are listed under the same number in Cyrillic and Latin (transliteration). For transliteration, authors should use the BSI (electronic resource: http://translit.net/ru/bsi/).

  1. Шиффман Л. От текста к традиции: история иудаизма в эпоху Второго Храма и период Мишны и Талмуда / Пер. с англ. А. Сиверцева. – М.; Иерусалим: Мосты культуры; Gesharim, 2001. – 275 с.

Shiffman L. Ot teksta k traditsii: istorija iudaizma v `epohu Vtorogo Hrama i period Mishny i Talmuda / Per. s angl. A. Sivertseva. – M.; Ierusalim: Mosty kul’tury; Gesharim, 2001. – 275 s.

It’s important to pay special attention on  the accuracy and completeness of bibliographic information (surnames and initials of authors, titles and subtitle data, output data, numbers of volumes, issues, parts, pages), and also archival registration of the documents.



UDC 93/94




Ivanov I. I.

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Simferopol, Russian Federation

E-mail: ivanov@rambler.ru

General questions are considered …… . 1000 printed characters with spaces

Keywords: Russian Empire, …… 5-7 words / phrases

Currently, the interest of researchers has increased [2; 4, p. 35]….

The text is not less than 20 thousand characters with spaces

The list of used sources and literature

  1. Акцизные уставы (1862–1884). – Житомир, 1884. –739 с.

Aktsiznyye ustavy (1862–1884). — Zhitomir, 1884. –739 s.

  1. Артемьева Л. В. Этапы и механизм введения в России акцизной системы на алкоголь во второй половине XIX века //Транспортное дело России. – 2011. – № 5. – С. 122–125.

Artem’yeva L. V. Etap i mekhanizm vvedeniya v Rossii aktsiznoy sistemy na alkogol’ vo vtoroy polovine XIX      veka // Transportnoye delo Rossii. – 2011. – № 5. – S. 122–125.


The article is written with financial support….




 Иванов И. И.

Крымский федеральный университет им. В. И. Вернадского,

г. Симферополь, Российская Федерация

Email: ivanov@rambler.ru

Рассмотрены общие вопросы …….. 1000 знаков с пробелами

Ключевые слова: Российская Империя, … 5–7 слов/словосочетаний

В настоящее время возрос интерес исследователей [2; 4, с. 35]…..

Текст не менее 20 тыс. знаков с пробелами

Список использованных источников и литературы

  1. Акцизные уставы (1862–1884). – Житомир, 1884. –739 с.

Aktsiznyye ustavy (1862–1884). — Zhitomir, 1884. –739 s.

  1. Артемьева Л. В. Этапы и механизм введения в России акцизной системы на алкоголь во второй половине XIX века //Транспортное дело России. – 2011. – № 5. – С. 122–125.

Artem’yeva L. V. Etap i mekhanizm vvedeniya v Rossii aktsiznoy sistemy na alkogol’ vo vtoroy polovine XIX      veka // Transportnoye delo Rossii. – 2011. – № 5. – S. 122–125.

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